Metalware - Pewter
Bronze | Brass | Copper | Iron | Pewter | Other
Title Tall pair of heavy antique pewter baroque candlesticks or candle prickets 18th
century originals |
Tall pair of tall solid pewter
candle pricketts or late baroque altar candlesticks.
Well sculpted with wrought iron
spike or prickett top in heavy pewter inverted cup candle sconce.
this wrought iron spike is
threaded right through to the base and is secured by a wrought iron butterfly
wing nut.
The cup over a smooth turned column with tripple ring
base to shaped square pedestal with fluted sides and on truned round feet.
North German or Swedish
circa 1750
Priced per pair
Height 55cm
Width 12cm
Depth 12cm
Weight : 6.5 kg pair
Price AUD $ 950 pair
Title Tall pair of antique pewter baroque or Gothic Candlesticks or candle prickets |
Pewter pair of tall Gothic
baroque Candle pricketts or altar candlesticks.
Well sculpted with turned column
and baroque acanthus scrolls.
Resting on tripod leg bases .
probably Flemish origin 18/19th
Price SOLD
Title Pair of antique pewter lamops bases of baroque manner |
Pair of antique baroque lamp
bases of burnished pewter and raised on paw feet. 19th century originals with
20th century electrification. The fittings are ideal for a top hat shape and are
illustrated with "hat shades" ( not included) .
Priced as a pair.
Scandinavian 19th century and later.
Price SOLD
Title Pair of baroque pewter candlesticks , northern
European |
Height 35cm
Width 14cm
weight 2.5 kg pair
A pair of Scandinavian solid
pewter candelsticks of baroque form.
The turned column supports raised on three ornate
shaped bases and sitting on turned and reeded ball feet. No foundry markings
but this may be becasue they were used for clergy use.
Danish or Swedish 19th century or
Price SOLD
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