Antique & Design



Miscellaneous wares: antique boxes, carvings etc



Title    Georgian satinwood & ebony inlay deeds box with marquetry inlay original finish lock & working key 1790

Description Ref Box 5236


Antique Georgian Sheraton satinwood & ebony inlay deeds box with marquetry inlay original finish lock & working key circa 1790

 A lovely warm patina with original french polished finish is a value point.

The box with curved raised centre lid with shell crested inlay with various fruitwoods satinwoon and harewood. Ebony string inlay original working lock and gothic key .



Georgian late 18th century


Overall Dimensions:

Height 12 cm

Width 32cm

Depth 22cm


Interior :

Height 8cm

Width 30.5cm

Depth 19cm

Price  AUD $950

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Title   Original antique Swedish 18th century pine and iron bound chest with working lock and key dated 1761

Description Ref: chests 5171


Original antique Swedish 18th century pine and iron bound chest with working lock and key dated 1761.


Rare to find outside of Sweden and uUsually given to the newly wedded couple this marriage chest has the year of 1761 cut into the ornate iron bindings.

Made from only three pieces of pine the top is cut from one large pine slab and carved hollow on the inside. The side walls are made from a single piece of pine steamed into shape then fastened and stitched together .

Despite it's heavy looks this is actually quite a protable trunk with iron rings on either side and a wrought iron top handle.  10.2kg

Perfect for documents and finery the original lock and key still work.


Swedish provincial Dalarna 18th century baroque


Overall Dimensions

Height 30 cm

Width  62 cm
Depth 44 cm

interior H20xW56xD36cm


Price  AUD $2750

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Title    Antique carved oak pair of Renaissance caryatid pilasters architectural column mounts original patina

Description Ref Pilasters 4222


Antique carved oak pair of Renaissance caryatid pilasters architectural column mounts original patina.


Late 18th century carvings in solid oak with original finish.

The ionic column scroll top over

the female form caryatids bearing the load and accentuated with pregnant belly and ornate renaissance scroll work below.


Superb original condition and patina


Italian late 18th century


Overall Dimensions

Height 60cm

Width 9cm

Depth 6cm

Weight 1.5 kg  the pair

Price   AUD $750 the pair

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Title    Vintage ruler bronze and nickel measuring device with cm and Inches by Michelsen of Norway 1920's

Description ref Ruler 9916


 Antique heavy bronze and nickel measuring ruler made by Michelsen of Norway for Danish company Moeller & Lanschutz.

This rare and unique vintage ruler bronze and nickel measuring device with cm and Inches. It is stamped underneath by Michelsen of Norway circa 1930 is the ultimate desktop accessory and is very heavy at 360 grams, ideal as a paperweight.

The bronze spine is cast in one section and bronze is rivetts through the solid Nickel base.

Unusual to this is that the ruler has a slight machined curved base for greater accuracy to the edge whilst retaining the exact dimensions due to its mass and thickness.

Moeller and Landschutz is a Danish company that specialises in stationery.


Norway early 20th century

Overall Dimensions

Height 1.5 cm

Length 33 cm

Width 3.5 cm

Weight 360 grams


Price   AUD $330

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Title    Pair tall turned walnut wooden candlesticks in the baroque manner with ebonised details on tri ball feet

Description Ref Candles 9838


 Tall pair antique Spanish turned walnut wooden candlesticks in the baroque manner with ebonised details raised on tri ball feet .

Good original patina circa 1930's.

The tulip shaped nozzle at the top is hollowed out to hold the wax candle.

The intricate details of the baroque style of these altar torcher candlesticks is a delight to behold and so rarely seen in natural timber.


Spanish early 20th century in the baroque manner of 1720

Overall Dimensions

Height 52 cm

Width 23 cm

Depth 23 cm

Weight 3.2 kg


Price   AUD $395 the pair

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Title    Impressive French grey painted provincial coffee table carved borders and raised on cabriole legs 1960's


Impressive antique French grey hand painted provincial coffee table carved borders and raised on cabriole legs circa 1960's


Nice and sturdy tables of these dimensions did not exist in the Louis period hence this gorgeous bepoke made example from the mid 1900's fits the interior designers requirements.

The four glass panels with hand ground bevel edgesssssssssss are ideal to display of your favourite postcards, just stick them on from underneath.

Designers and decorators usually upholster the tops of these gorgeous tables.


Finished in a hand painted antique Georgian gray patina all round. The construction it the traditional 18th century manner with double pegged joints.


French 20th century in the manner of King Louis XV (1723-1774)


Overall Dimensions

Height 40 cm

Length 121 cm

Depth 72 cm


Price  AUD $1299

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Title   Pair ornate Ewer shaped brass vases cast brass baroque handles raised on turned bulbous bases

Description ref urns 6328


Pair French Louis XIV style antique ornate Ewer shaped brass vases.

The cast brass bulbous body with scroll cast baroque handles and each raised on turned base feet.


French  early 1900's


Overall Dimensions

Height 26cm

Width 21cm
Depth 14 cm

weight 1700 grams the pair


Price  AUD $485 the pair

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Title    Tripod cricket table solid oak rare triangular shape raised on cabriole legs with carved George II style


Rare antique tripod cricket table in solid oak of triangular shape. This unusual lamp table is raised on elegant carved cabriole legs with carved apron and matching top George II style.


Nice and sturdy tables of these dimensions did not exist in the Georgian period hence this gorgeous bepoke made example from the early 1900's fits the interior designers requirements.

Finished in a warm walnut patina hand polished all round and in solid English oak.


English early 20th century in the manner of King George II  (1727-1760)


Overall Dimensions

Height 54 cm

Length 59 cm

Depth 59 cm point to point


 Cricket tables were not used for the game of cricket but the term refers to the style of the three legs that form the base of the table.

Of course being three legged these types of tripod tables are ideal for use on uneven floors or even lawns whilst watching a game of cricket.

Price  AUD $1150

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Title    Vintage modern minimalist Danish solid oak COFFEE TABLE 1975 original condition massive 40mm thick top


Vintage modern minimalist Danish solid oak COFFEE TABLE in original condition massive 40mm thick top


The burnished solid oak top is very heavy and is firmly attached by screws to the base. It may be that this heavy oak table will flat pack for freight.

Designed for the modern interior with timeless elegance, the graceful play of two straight pillar blonde oak supports is a superb contrast to the thick solid top that appears to float above the legs.

it this was any taller it would be an ideal refectroy dining table !


Scandinavia 1975's


Overall Dimensions

Height 50 cm

Length 140 cm

Depth 76 cm

Price  AUD $950

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Title    Vintage Modern minimalist Scandinavian solid oak top and carrara marble LAMP TABLE in excellent condition


Modern minimalist Scandinavian solid oak and carrara marble lamp table in excellent condition  late 20th century..


The burnished solid red oak top lifts off the marble base . The carrrra marble cross that supports the top is nice and firm and rests on a felt support to avoid floor scratches.

Designed for the modern interior with timeless elegance, the graceful play of white marble against the blonde oak is a superb contrast.


Scandinavian MCM late 20th century


Overall Dimensions

Height 48 cm

Diameter 60 cm



Price  AUD $850

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Title  Antique Regency period wine cooler in mahogany or planter  stand ideal Christmas tree stand English 1820


Antique Regency period wine cooler in mahogany or planter  stand ideal Christmas tree stand English 1820.

The square shaped box in solid mahogany with original finish rests on a frame supported by four short turned legs.

The liner inside is a 20th century adoption and is ideal for use as an ice bucket of wine bottle cooler with crushed ice.

The liner would also be ideal as a living christmas tree stand or planter .

The liner lifts out and the inside measures W34cm x D31cm x H18cm


English Regency period 1820


Overall Dimensions

Height 43cm

Width  43cm

depth 41cm





Price  AUD $795

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Title   Vintage Danish silvered photo frames with.... instant relatives from mid Century era 1950-60


Vintage antique Danish silvered photo frames with.... black and white vintage photos of "instant Scandi relatives" from the mid Century era 1950-60.

Offered as one lot consisting of eight.

Each photo frame with its own stand attached to the back original glass and finish.

Danish mid 20th century

Overall Dimensions

Largest photo frame :

Heigth 25 cm

Width 19 cm

Smallest : "grandmother"

Height 10 cm

Width 10 cm

Total weight 1.5 kg

Price AUD $499 the lot of 8

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Title    Heavy antique cast and turned brass umbrella stand in the shape of a flared vase on 50 cm height


Large heavy antique cast and turned brass umbrella stand in the shape of a flared vase on 50 cm height .

The turned brass vase with heavy raised lip to curved drain plate. the wasted inware curving sides with engine turned engraving lines with a bulbous or knobbed stem.

Raised on a turned plinth and brazed into one complete vase.

Lovely warm patina ideal to welcome any traveller with a convenient stand for your umbrella on a rainy day.




English mid 19th century in the

Overall Dimensions

Height 50 cm

Diameter 30 ccm



Price   AUD $675

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Title  17th century Spanish small coffer trunk with original engraved iron bindings lock and working key late 1600's


17th century Spanish small coffer trunk with original engraved iron bindings lock and working key late 1600's


 The dome shaped box in pine with original burnished iron bindings.  

Traces of colouring and possible silk or leather cladding under the iron.

The ornate mountings engraved and chiselled in the baroque manner.



Spanish late 17th century


Overall Dimensions

Height 16cm

Width 27cm

depth 16cm


Weight 1200 grams 



Price AUD $2550

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Title  Scandinavian folk art hand painted wooden box with wooden lock and handle  Dalarna Sweden  1900-1920


Highly prized Scandinavian folk art hand painted wooden box with wooden lock and handle original from Dalarna central Sweden .

Made entirely from hand cut solid wood, steamed and bent into shape and sewed together to form the round shape. The two upright sections for locking the lid. The natural spring in the timber allows this to clip back into the lid and a hoop handle to top for carrying.

This style and size of box was usually used to hold the farmer's finest linen collars for their Sunday best and other trinkets .

It is hand painted in traditional Falu red with  floral highlights and black outlines.

Sweden circa 1920


Overall Dimensions

Height 8cm

Width 11 cm

Weight 100 grams



Price  AUD $295

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Title    Two antique birch Treen needle cases. One in the form of a lighthouse the other as a mushroom


Often referred to as treen, the making of small ornate wooden objects for household use, these two collectable needle cases or trinket boxes are made from solid birch. One is in the shape of a lighthouse complete with enhanced lense. The turned top unscrews from its tapering base to reveal a hollowed out needle case inside.

The second is in the shape of a mushroom, the top ideal as support for embroidery. The handle is engraved with a leafy branch and the words "Himmelbjerget" or Sky Mountain. It is one of the highest geological peaks in Denmark and has been a tourist destination for centuries. The top of the mushroom can be pulled off the base to reveal a needle case hollowed out inside.


Lighthouse Dimensions

Height 8cm

Width 2.5 cm


Mushroom Dimensions

Height 11cm

Width 6 cm


Weight combined about 100 grams



Scandinavian late 19th century

Price  AUD $125 the two

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Title   HUGE Italian Overdoor gouache Painting Rennaissance faun


Height 82cm

Width 138cm
Depth 3cm


Ornate Italian late 18th century painting on parchment. Possibly an overdoor painting featuring a faun with pan pipes and a downward gaze, surrounded by gorgeous acanthus scrolls. This is the style that influenced noted English designers like Adams and Sheraton  and dates from circa 1770 . The hand painted watercolours and gouache on paper in later carved and gilt Louis XVI frame and under glass ( note refections in the glass. This may have been a panel for an impressive salon.....imaging the rest of the palace!

Italian Circa 1770

Price AUD $5,700

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Title Very rare Swedish mangle board in solid oak 18th century


overall Height 10 cm

Length 81cm

Width 17


Original Swedish mangle board used to dry and flatten linen without ironing. Traditionally these types of boards were made for by the groom who would give this to his bride as a mark of honour. Unusual that this is made of a single piece of solid oak . Even the craved handle and raised section underneath has all been carved from one block, indicating the groom's dedication to his bride to be.  Nice original patina and restrained design.

A hand wrought iron hook at the top allows for traditional hanging for display.  Even rarer is that the oak is nice and smooth and not covered in later applied carved and painted designs.

Wet Linen would be wrapped around a large rolling pin and the mangleboard would move over back and forth, smoothing the linen and flattening it nicely.


Swedish 18th century or earlier.

Price AUD $ 595


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Title French Empire 1820 Gilt Bronze lady Victory Lamp  with later Electric wiring and painted wooden base

overall height 90 cm

bronze and base height 58cm

Overall  width 40cm

Overall depth 30 cm


French Empire Gilt bronze lamp with maiden electrified. This beautiful gilt bronze Ormolu Charles X period bronze is mounted on a faux Sienna Marble base and later shade suspension
Circa 1820

Price AUD $1,650

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Title Rare cast pireced work Schinkel design Berlin Iron pen vase


Height 10cm

Diameter 8cm


One for the collection of rare Berliner Eisen antiques. This genuine antique 1820's unique vase or urn has pierced carved sides and is of a beautiful waisted shape and raised on three lion paw feet in the Ancient Roman manner. Superb casting includes Prussian eagles and acanthus scrollwork and would most probably have been made in Biedermeier era Berlin. No foundry stamps but definitely first 1/4 of the 19th century. You may see similar examples at the MAK in Vienna or the SCHINKEL museum in Berlin. The design is by the famous Prussian Royal Court architect

Karl Friedrich SCHINKEL.

Origin : Berlin 1820

Price AUD $795

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Title Magnificent hand made Replica of the Ancient Egyptian chest found in Tutankhamun's tomb


height 97 cm

Width 55 cm

Depth 43 cm


A Unique and unusual chest on stand, made of Australian red cedar and ebonised and parcel gilding.

The ebonised cedar frame hand painted with exact hierogliphics as found during the excavations of the Pharao's tomb.

A unique piece of history made by a master craftsman.

The top lift lid with gilded handles , These were originally intended to be tied and sealed with the Pharaohs seal for closure.

Note the fine cast ankh fretwork below the case.

Price   AUD $4450

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Title Original Arne Jacobsen design STELTON teapot in stainless steel


Height 13 cm

Depth 13 cm

Width 24 cm


Original signed Stelton 1.25 Liter Teapot from the Cylinda-Line. Made in stainless steel 18/8 and designed in 1967 by Arne Jacobsen for Stelton, Denmark. Fine condition, but with some wear - as to expected. Some minor abrasion consistent with age and use to surface of the body. Height: 13 cm = app 4 1/3". Diameter of the teapot: 13 cm = app 5 1/10. Total diameter including handle & spout: 24 cm = app 9". Classic and elegant designed for Lauffer Design by Arne Jacobsen..


Danish , Circa 1967



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Title Carved wood and gilded ANGEL statue

H 21cm

W 12 cm

D 9 cm


An antique carved wood angel figure. Thsi goregous scultpture has been executed in three part; the main body, and the two wings.

a wonderful face and good gold leaf gilt finish and nice original aged patina.

French Circa 1880

Price SOLD

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Title  Pair of old English tankard beer mugs with oak exterior with brass and silver plated bands and handle 1920


Pair of old English wassail toasting tankards or beer mugs with oak exterior with brass and silver plated banding and handle 1920


 The silver pladed bands are in good firm condition and holds the oak wekk. The English oak barrel exterior with a lovely colour .

These tankards may have been used for mead or beer but over time the silver plating has deteriorated.

Ideal wassaille ornament for the pool room. Each tankard has a silvered shield shaped to the front so you can have your heraldic motto engraved on them.


English early 20th century


Overall Dimensions

Height 15cm

Width 16cm

depth 11cm


Weight 1100 grams  the pair



Price SOLD

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Title  Scandinavian folk art hand painted wooden box with wooden lock and handle  provincial Sweden 1860 


rare antique Swedish folk art hand painted wooden box with wooden lock and handle original from central Sweden.


Made entirely from hand cut solid birchwood, steamed and bent into shape and sewed together to form the oval shape. The two upright sections for locking the lid. The natural spring in the timber allows this to clip back into the lid and a hoop handle to top for carrying.

The exterior in the traditional rosemalning ( rose painting) design with the wedding date in one cartouche surrounded by roses and floral garlands.


This style and size of box was usually given as a wedding gift to the happy pair.


It is hand painted in traditional black background with  floral highlights and white outlines.

It is very rare to find such original cultural treasures outside Sweden.

Sweden circa 1860


Overall Dimensions

Height 23cm

Width 40 cm

depth 25cm


Weight 1500 grams



Price  SOLD

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Title  Pair of French Louis XV turned wood urns with lids on gilt bronze rococo bases polished lignum vitae 1840


Antique pair of French Louis XV turned wooden urns with lids mounted on gilt bronze rococo bases.

The well turned heavy polished wood urns with their matching lift off lids are most likely in polished lignum vitae  or olive wood. The ornate rococo bases of mercurial gilt ormolu bronze are original and date to around 1840.


French Louis Philippe ( 1830-11848)


Overall Dimensions

Height 28cm

Width 13cm

depth 13cm


Weight 1200 grams  the pair



Price  SOLD

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Title Medium Cast Iron Crucifix Inri 1830
Dimensions Height 25cm

Description Medium Cast iron Crucifix Inri Berlin 1830, one of a collection of three. This one is extremely detailed with scull and cross bones atop of the last feast. Turly a casting of the very highest quality and in the best condition
Circa 1830

Price SOLD
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Title    Edwardian English oak serving tray with integrated handles and raised edges early 20th century


 Antique Edwardian English oak serving tray with integrated handles and raised edges early 20th century

Good original shellac and waxed polish patina.

perfect for serving drinks or for an luxurious breakfast in bed !


English early 20th century

Overall Dimensions

Height 7 cm

Width 59 ccm

Depth 38 cm

Weight 1 kg


Price   SOLD

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Title    Rare Colonial Australian musk wood covered urn with original lid and good original patina 1850's


 Rare Colonial Australian musk wood turned urn with original lid and good original patina circa 1850's.


Musk wood is a highly figurative timber and is found in Tasmania. It is usually used sparingly in fine marquetry and veneer work and rarely in the solid such as this solid turned urn of cup and cover shape.

the interior is unfinished and shows the pale colour of the timber very well. It would have been used to store keepsakes gold or precious objects in an early Victorian home.

This is a rare piece of colonial Tasmanian cultural heritage.


 Australian Colonial mid 19th century


Overall Dimensions

Height 23 cm

Width 14 ccm


Price   SOLD

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Title Well shaped stepped Obelisk in burl Huon Pine


Height 30 cm

Depth 9 cm

Width 9 cm


A magnificent neoclassical obelisk with carved stepped plinth in burl or burr Huon pine from Tasmania.  The birdseye grain being highly sought after and a very rare timber.

No signature or markings to this gorgeous cabinet makers piece.

Australian , Circa 1920

Price SOLD

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